Learn How To Train 2024-2025!
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The consultants analyse issues in their social, legal, financial and ethical dimensions. Their proposals ensure that they are in line with the group’s human resources strategy. Consultants intervene at all levels of the hierarchy and in all institutions.
The team’s consultants have an in-depth knowledge of human dynamics as well as two key competencies: curiosity and systemic vision. The consultant intervenes by means of strategies, methods and tools, proceeding in rigorous stages, while constantly adapting.
The content of the interventions is modeled on a case-by-case basis, as are the specific applications implemented during the process. The objective of the consultancy is to support the organisation’s project over the long term.
The consultants are trained in collective intelligence practises and can thereby enable the emergence of questions, choices and decisions in work groups. They also highlight interpersonal processes and dynamics.
AIM’s stance of the consultant is to refuse ready-made solutions, but to listen and co-design solutions with stakeholders.
The consultant’s objective is first to have a clear understanding and definition of the situation. These must be understandable, meaningful and shared by the client. A relationship of trust is essential for the support to work.
Within the particular framework of the Key Skills Contract, AIM’s consulting work consists of offering a wide variety of learning solutions to the HR departments and EU staff.
Consulting work are delivered on-site to the European school of administration (EUSA), at EU institution offices in Brussels and Luxembourg as well as through video-call.