Learn How To Train 2024-2025!

Would you like to acquire the skills and knowledge to design and deliver training in international environments? Our second cohort of Train the Trainer is open for Applications!
In the series of “AIM to Be in Conversation” provided by AIM Learning Solutions,...
Would you like to acquire the skills and knowledge to design and deliver training in...
Iulia Grosman, trainer and coach, presents three self-defence tricks towards statistics.
Daniel Haeberlé presents a conference about how to operate effectively in a multicultural workplace.
Sabine Finzi and Iulia Grosman present a conference on how to arm yourself against...
Sarah De Greef presents a conference about combining innovation and creative problem-solving.
Aurore Van de Winkel presents a conference about how to deal with the spread...
Bruno Humbeeck presents a conference about the causes, consequences and potential countermeasures to a...
Léon Parez presents how Analysing and Solving Problems draws on two different strains of...
In times of social distancing, AIM adapted more than 25 online training courses, available...
Katie Challans explains how by being more in control and comfortable with yourself and...
Understanding our own process of thinking and practising techniques such as divergent thinking can...
Jean-François Bertholet, trainer and coach, helps you prepare for your next public presentation.
Nicola Di Pirro presents how we can all benefit from getting a dedicated space for...
Neil Urquhart explains how knowing how to write well and impactfully is an essential...
Nicola Di Pirro, trainer and coach, helps you to be aware of your own...
Is it necessarily good to do teamwork? Marcello Mereu presents how teamwork can be...
Severine Buyse presents how your body and the way that you treat it is...
Burnouts do not come into being from one day to another but are often...
Sabine Finzi, trainer and coach, helps you to wrap up, finish a project and...
Heather Nehring tackles how work can be a complex and occasionally frustrating affair… an...
Alex Townley, trainer and coach, gives you key tips on how to do a...
In times of COVID-19, AIM adapted its offer to remote delivery. We want to...
“We could redo that one website page to create some kind of Learning Catalogue?”...
There are many dimensions to a negotiation. Serge Wynen gets you to prepare for...
Anne de Wergifosse delivers the essentials of how to chair a meeting when no...
Katie Challans, trainer and coach, gives you key tips on Personal Effectiveness, Efficiency, and...
Jean-François Abeloos presents how interpersonal communication and public speaking skills are the key elements...
Séverine Buyse, trainer and coach, helps you to accept when your buttons are pushed,...
Sabine Finzi tackles why Facing Change is so important for personal development and how...
Neil Urquhart, trainer and coach, helps you to be prepare before a negotiation.
Nicola Meeùs presents a conference about the importance of securing and maintaining mutual trust...
In this 3-minute centering practice, Alex Townley, our trainer and coach, helps you to...