What are the foundation stones of good writing?

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Neil Urquhart explains how knowing how to write well and impactfully is an essential skill to flourish in the professional world. 

Knowing how to write well and with impact is an essential skill to flourish in the professional world. It can be very helpful to keep several things in mind when writing, as well as to apply a certain level of structure to the writing process. A first thing to keep in mind are the two very foundation stones of good writing. The first of these stones consists of being aware of why you are writing a certain text: what is your goal? The second of these stones comes down to being equally aware of for whom you are writing: who is your audience, and what are their specific needs or characteristics?




Once you have these two founding stones down you can start looking into streamlining the process of writing itself. Though it may be tempting to start typing straight away and to not ‘waste time’ on other things, this is not actually the recommended way of going about things. The process in fact consists of three distinct parts, all of them essential in their own way: planning, drafting, and editing.

By separating these out, rather than haphazardly garbling them together you can make the process significantly more streamlined, less stressful, and even improve your overall results. By keeping the founding stone and overall principles of writing into account, you can save a lot of time and achieve better results. Knowing how to write well and with impact is an essential skill to flourish in the professional world. 




Who is Neil?

Neil Urquhart is a veteran communication skills trainer, coach and facilitator with 20+ years international experience on four continents in Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Egypt, Sweden, Spain and the UK. He delivers the Writing with Impact training course at the European School of Administration, as well as its online version.He facilitates Develop your Assertive Communication for the European Institutions, agencies and bodies.