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I am a trainer in Non Violent Communication.
Passionate about deploying human potential, I provide companies and organisations with the skills that enable them to develop sustainably, in line with their values.

- Trainer
- Supervisor
- Speaker
Training courses delivered
Browse ANNE BRUNEAU's expertise
- French MT
Additional qualifications
- Trainer in NonViolent Communication (CNVC - USA, international certification 2003)
- Trained in participatory method "World Café".
- Trained in Internal Family System - IFS (Self leadership). Certified level 1.
- Trained in Facilitation of Restorative Circles (process of conflict management)
- Trained in Sociocracy (management by mutual consent, emergence of collective intelligence (Sociogest)
- Trained in mediation
- Certified in interpersonal conflict management
- Trained in Relational Systems (Trans-Mutation)
- Trained in the Thomas Gordon method & ESPERE method (J. Salomé)
- Teacher (Aggregate of secondary education - young people and FLE - foreign adults)